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Higher cognitive ability

Steeper learning curve

Measure general cognitive ability - the 'g' factor

When you measure a candidate's general cognitive abliity, you measure how quickly they generally learn new things, how good they are at problem solving, and how easily they can make decisions based on complex information, among other things. 

Persons with higher cognitive ability will

  • Have a steeper learning curve

  • Be better at problem-solving

  • Be better at transferring job knowledge

  • Be better at combining and selecting relevant information

  • Be better at handling numerous and various activities simultaneously

Our cognitive assessment can measure all this in only 12 minutes!
Learning Ability and Performance
A person's general cognitive ability can predict their performance in the workplace!

Did you know that a person's performance in the workplace can be predicted based on their general cognitive ability?

A person's general cognitive ability or general learning ability has a higher statistical correllation with their job performance than both job experience, eductaion, references, interview data and personality profiles!

Why not map this information so you can use it as input to your hiring decisions, promotions, talent program selection etc.? 

City View
It only takes 12 minutes... get a scientifically validated measure of a person's general cognitive ability. This information can help you ensure that there is a match between the person and the complexity of the job you put them in, and improves their chances of succeeding in the job. 

AND it's available in over 60 languages!

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